Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Review of League of Legends

League of legends is famously referred to as LoL. It is a multiplayer game that is played online on a battle ground. The company behind this amazing game is called Riot Games. The game is compatible with MacOS as well as Microsoft Windows. The game features a freemium model and can be supported by micro transactions. The designers of the game were inspired by Warcraft III, Defense of the Ancients as well as The Frozen Throne mod.

In this game, players are given the role of an unseen summoner that has unique abilities to control a champion when battling a team of computer controlled champions or other players. The aim of the game is to destroy the nexus of the other team. The nexus is basically a structure which is located at the center of the base, and it is protected defensive walls, but there are other game modes. Each of the match is discrete. Typically, champions start as weak characters, but become stronger with time, as they gather more items and experience in the course of the game. The settings and the champions blend quite well with steampunk, high fantasy, lovecraftian horror and folklore.
 League of legends has received positive reviews from all over the world, and has become more popular, and this could be witness by the number of league of legends accounts for sale: meaning it’s fun base is ever increasing. In 2012, LoL was one of the most played game in Europe and North American, in terms of number of hours played.
The game itself has a broad competitive scene. In Europe and North American, people organize league championship series, situated in Berlin and Los Angeles respectively, which comprises of ten professional teams from the various continents and places, including China and Korea.


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